G7.D2: Fairy Queen

Hello and welcome to the second chapter of this bachelorette ๐Ÿ™‚

What happened last chapter? Mabel got to know all the guys. Kobe set the kitchen on fire. Maurice saved us all. Brave cutie!

On to today’s chapter.

We start the day close to night time today. You’ll see later why.

That’s why it’s dark but you can still see Yaro.

Crazily grilling hotdogs ๐Ÿ˜€ His eyes always seem to pop out and I wonder what he sees…

Tom: Oh you’re Llamaman! I played the villain in a different superhero movie.

Kove: What’s your costume?

Tom: I’m a pilot. There was this movie where I pla…

Tarzan: Tarzan is dressed! Tarzan doesn’t like it.

I think he’s a maid. How do you call a male maid? Cleaner?

Maurice: Guys! The party has already started!

Adrian: Quick, let’s change to our costumes!

Bryon: I can do it with one hand.

In case you’re distracted so much by Adrian’s perfect butt that you can’t look at the costumes:

Maurice is a pirate.

Bryon is a zombie schoolboy. I hope he won’t chase schoolgirls…

And Adrian‘s butt is an astronaut.

Yaro! Go downstairs and join the spooky party.

Yaro: After I finish my hotdog.

Ah yes, the rest of the hotdogs will stink in a few days and stay until generation 9. Old habits die hard.

Mabel: The fairy queen arrived! Where is everyone?

Uh… Let’s have a look.

Love that girly costume!

Oh wait! Mark is here as the caterer! And Kove is eating.

One candidate found. *tick*

And grey old Sophie (my heart is bleeding) is our bartender!

Why the bandage?

Sophie: My skin is so old it rips for no reason.

Side note: she used to be a vampire.

Mabel eventually found the guys. Like a few steps away from her ๐Ÿ˜€

Mabel: Mr. Llamaman, what do you think are Kove’s favorite things to do in his leisure time?

Kove: I was told that the irresistable and super sexy Kove likes jet skiing. Anything that includes the sea.

Mabel: I’ve never seen the sea.

Kove: I will show it to you.

With “it” he means the sea. Not what your naughty mind may make you think ๐Ÿ˜›

Mabel: Aw, thank you, Mark. Your food is really great.

Mark: You’re welcome.

Bryon: Uh, what? More competition? Well, doesn’t matter. I’m the shit anyway.

Tarzan: Maurice’ eye is all blue and swollen. Looks funny!

Maurice: Because you hit the ping pong ball in my eye. It hurts!

Tarzan: Tarzan is not happy. Tarzan wears clothes not made for men to wear.

Mabel: Are you implying the maid clothes are only for women?!

Tarzan: Tarzan thinks men shouldn’t wear too many clothes. Clothes are not made for men.

Yaro: I totally agree with you!

He went in the hot tub.

Mabel: Anyway… Do you have a dream career?

Tarzan: A what?

Yaro: I’d love to be a space ranger!

Mabel: We have a rocket in the backyard!

Bryon: A costume that adds muscles? Insecurity disgusts me.

Kove: The producers gave it to me. It’s not my fault.

(The producers are the game. It wasn’t me.)

Maurice: Guys, calm down and let’s have the drinks the bartender made!

Mabel: Thank you so much for the quick fire alert!

Maurice: Oh that, I did it without thinking.

Mabel: You’re so brave, Maurice. I bet your dream job is something with a lot of action?

Maurice: Ah well, if action on paper counts, then yes. I want to be a writer. What’s your dream job?

Mabel: Uh, I haven’t tought about it yet. I will go to university first.

The party was so lit that Adrian went to the pool to take a nap on the pizza floatee…

Yaro slept in the hot tub.

At least Bryon is awake.

Bryon: ZzZzZZzz…

Nah, he’s sleeping with his eyes open -.-

Tom: What a cute costume, Mabel!

Mabel: Thank you, Mr. Pilot! You said you have many celebritites in your family. Anyone I know?

Tom: I’m sure you know all of them. My father Derek Dalton is a movie star and my mother is a theatre actress. Her name is Diana Dolton.

Mabel: Yes, I’ve heard about both!

Tom: My older sister Sarah is a pop star and my twin sister Olivia will be famous, too. But she’s still a drama school student.

Mabel: You have a twin? I love that!

Look at the cute cookies Mark baked!

He made like 10 plates… The household will get a bit of extra pounds ๐Ÿ˜›

And some more hot tub sleeping.

Yaro just woke up and Kove is about to fall asleep.

It’s like 9pm! Shame. On. You!

Yaro left and Maurice joined the nap party -.-

So I realized I don’t have any screenshots of Adrian and Bryon talking to Mabel. They talked to her, I swear!

I always use the teleporter mod to get the guys (or ladies) in line for the rose ceremony.

The game was paused when I wanted to teleport Adrian and… BUG.

He looks like a god rising from the sea.

Not weird at all.

Unpausing the game, he made it to the line but I couldn’t get him to change out of his merform.

The other guys aren’t impressed. Bryon is still tired.

And Tom was the only one who didn’t nap in the pool or hot tub.

Mabel: A rose ceremony? It’s too early to send one guy home! I barely know them…

My favorite dress again.

Mabel: So you ignore me?


Mabel: Bryon, Your hair color makes me think of home. Do you want this rose?

Bryon: I’m not a houseman but yes, thanks for the rose.

Mabel’s mom had blue hair. Her name is Blue, by the way ๐Ÿ˜€

And Tom… wow! Calm down.

Mabel: We’re in matching colors: red hair, green outfit. Do you accept this rose, Adrian?

Adrian: Yes, I do. Thank you!

Kove: *mumbles* This is not a wedding…

I managed to take a screenshot at the exact moment both closed their eyes -.- When did I notice this? When it was too late to take a new one. Of course.

I sent Adrian to bed, hoping he would turn back into his human form.

He “walked” away…

And I cried so hard form laughing ๐Ÿ˜€

Mabel: Maurice, you’re a brave man and I like this. Do you want the rose?

Maurice: Yes, thank you!

Tarzan: Tarzan is brave. Tarzan is strong! Maurice isn’t strong.

Judging by the faces of most guys in line, they don’t like it when another contestant gets a rose.

Mabel: Yes, Tarzan, you’re brave and strong. That’s why I want to give you this rose.

Tarzan: Can Tarzan eat the rose?

Mabel: Uh, no. Put it in a vase.

Mabel: You promised me to show me the sea. Do you want this rose?

Kove: It was Llamaman who told you that about me but he was right. And yes, I’d love to get the rose.

He’s lying. Almost all six guys who got a rose threw a fit -.-

Yaro: Oh gosh, it’s the end. It’s over soon!

Tom: You’ll find someone else.


Anyway, only one rose left but two guys wanting it. Poor Yaro…

But Yaro was right, Mabel wants Tom to stay.

Mabel: I want to learn more about you.

*cough* golddigger *cough*

Tom: Thank you, my dear.

Is it just me or does Tom look like he was surprised he got the rose?

Mabel: Yaro, you are a great man but I can’t get a connection to you. I wish you all the best for your future.

Yaro: Thank you, Mabel. I’m sure you’ll find a husband here. The guys are great.

I’m so sorry, MonaSolstraale, that Yaro has to leave this early ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Thank you a lot for him. I will miss his funny faces a lot!

7 thoughts on “G7.D2: Fairy Queen

  1. Fun chapter! It was so hilarious when Adrian wouldnโ€™t get out of her mer form. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    Kobe looked silly in that llama man outfit. Hee!
    Thankfully he made it through one ceremony.

    Mark! So fun to see him!

    Tom did looked surprised.

    We say goodbye to a Lothario…too bad. ๐Ÿ˜ญ

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You should have seen him walk with the tail ๐Ÿ˜€

      It would have been interesting to have two of Don’s sons in the legacy but from different universes and in different generations! (James was his son, too)

      Liked by 1 person

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